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Many of us knew and were supporting Chris and Ellen in prayer and otherwise on their recent mission trip to Cuba. During their time there they established a bakery and otherwise supported community outreach activities of the “Centro Kairos” – a social services center attached to the First Baptist Church of Matanzas, Cuba. Matanzas is located on the northern shore of the island of Cuba, on the Bay of Matanzas, 90 kilometres east of the capital Havana.

The bakery now provides bread for Kairos’s daily breakfast program for people who are vulnerable in the city and they serve a community meal once per week. Click here and here for more about Centro Kairos.

Chris and Ellen will talk about their trip: the current context of life in Cuba, the challenge of living in a country with food insecurity, how they started a new bakery, and the importance of Canadian solidarity. Their time in Cuba was challenged by 2 hurricanes and major country-wide power outages! They will share pictures and stories and will invite you to be a part of the journey.

All are welcome.