Newsletter for May 26th
Please scroll down to read the following contributions to this newsletter: • Message from Rev Gyllian As always, if you have newsletter comments and suggestions, please contact: |
To my dear parishioners!
Can you believe it - this will be my last written letter to you. The first thing I want you to know is how blessed I feel to have been with you the past five years. What a journey it’s been! As we’ve been getting to know each other more and more, and walking together on this unpredictable road there have been many life-changing events, both individually and as a parish. Together we have been ‘sussing’ out where God is leading us as a people and who we are called to be in this intense 21st century world. There has been an abundance of surprises and gifts. Now comes the next big challenge – how to recreate this parish as a thriving, lively community with a part-time priest. Here’s what I know – if anyone is capable of doing this it’s Anglicans on Salt Spring. I see in all of you so much wisdom, ingenuity, and willingness to take risks and try new things. All of this is embedded in an abundance of love and commitment to the parish. This will carry you through to a new 21st century way of being church. I can’t wait to see how you unfold and create this. I know it will be a beautiful synthesis of the old and the new – isn’t that what Anglicans are good at? And isn’t that what Salt Spring is known for? Inspired and enterprising innovation is continually springing up on this island. Why would this church be any different? I suspect in ten years you’ll look back over the journey you now are on and feel a sense of satisfaction, and even awe at what together you accomplished. I know many of you are curious about where I’m headed. I will be staying on Salt Spring – it feels like my spiritual home. You won’t be seeing me at church for at least a year. This is a fair and kind way to allow new clergy to forge bonds with you all. I will be rebooting my business –HopeBearers – which I had before I went to seminary. With HopeBearers I focus on supporting people who want to explore the intersection of creativity and spirituality in their lives. I will resume my life-coaching, spiritual direction, and classes, workshops, and retreats. You may find me appearing as an offering through Star-of-the-Sea. I’ll also be running an AirBnB with my studio. I am deeply grateful for the time I’ve been privileged to spend with you. You have blessed me. Thank you. |
This week, we celebrate Gyllian,her energy, her vivaciousness, her tenacity and her grace... She has been a gift to our congregation. Gyllian insists on inclusiveness, embracing it wholly in her ministry. She preaches with relevance to our people and to the issues that arise in our community. She is joyous. She is giving. She is hopeful. She is welcoming. She challenges our conceptions and sees the joy in tradition and the necessity to embrace change. She will be missed! (at St. Mary's) |
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A special worship servicefollowed by a celebration of the ministry of the Rev Gyllian Davies A reminder that following the worship service we are having a Potluck Finger Food luncheon in the hall. Please bring a Finger Food plate to contribute to the affair. Please plan on coming and being part of the celebration - whether you bring food or not! All are welcome! Cake, coffee, tea and a bubbly beverage (for a toast) will be provided. A short presentation will begin at 12:15pm. There will be baskets available for your cards and good wishes for Gyllian. As it is the beginning of Pentecost please wear red. Marjie, Sally, Ruth and Debbi |
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Sunday Worship Presiders
Date Presider |
Our community of faith expressing itself in love
A meeting was held on Wednesday May 24th with Gyllian to establish a Pastoral Care Team which would be active in the Parish after Gyllian leaves. Noreen Davies and Bridget Metzger have agreed to be the coordinators of the team. Noreen has trained at VST in Pastoral Care and she has been involved in this ministry for many years, decades in fact! Bridget has become more involved with pastoral care at All Saints in the last few years. Some of us who attended the Special Meeting of the Vestry in November 2021 were interested and willing to support the pastoral care ministry, which was one of the 9 recommendations of the Parish Renewal Task Force - click here for more on our process and programs. What do we mean by Pastoral Care? It means simply looking out for each other and caring for one another when support is needed. Gyllian quoted Prof. Patricia Kilpatrick so perfectly in her last sermon, “We are here to support and encourage one another in steadfast loving kindness to incarnate Christ’s love in all our seemingly insignificant ways.” What ways? Perhaps offering to make a meal for someone just returned from hospital; or offering someone a ride to church; visiting with someone living in one of Salt Spring’s Care Facilities; or taking Holy Communion to those who can’t attend church; making a phone call or paying a visit to someone who lives alone or who may be in hospital. Or simply praying for someone. So many ways! So, if you would like to help out in some way, or if you know of someone in the congregation who needs care, please contact either Noreen Davies (250-537-2654) or Bridget Metzger (250-221-0722). |
Penelakut First Nation and Salt Spring Island
Penelakut First Nation and Salt Spring Island - Fernwood A few of us - parishioners from the North End - participated on May 17th in a small Truth and Reconciliation ceremony at Fernwood with First Nations folk from Penelakut Island. The ceremony unveiled a new panel display commemorating the Penelakut people - click here. During the ceremony, parishioner Nancy Wigen, born nearby on North Beach Road and presently living in Fernwood, shared her experiences growing up with First Nations neighbours. We encourage you to visit Fernwood and view this display for yourselves on your next excursion around Salt Spring! "Kuper Island" – CBC Podcast Series As Salt-Springers we also encourage you to listen to this relatively recent 8-part CBC podcast series that tells the stories of students that attended the Kuper Island Indian Residential School – click here. It is not easy listening – but it brings home the negative impacts of Canada’s residential school system – this one located right in our backyard in what is now known as Penelakut Island. To listen this series, click on the button below. For more infomation visit:
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Building BridgesA Reconciliation Workshop - Saturday, June 10th, 2023 BUILDING BRIDGES Through Understanding the Village Register in person, by email, or phone. For more infomation visit: http://saltspringanglican.ca/events/building-bridges/2023-06-10
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Friday Community Meal Program and "In from the Cold - Solutions for Rural Homelessness"
Friday Community Meal Program Last summer Community Services contacted the downtown churches and asked for help in serving a hot meal to those in need. And so it was that a collaboration between Community Services (food), the United Church (space and volunteers), the Anglican Church (volunteers) and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (volunteers) began operating in October 2022 to provide between 20-25 hot lunches, served in the downstairs hall of the United Church. It has been a blessing to work with each other to provide a welcoming and warm space, good food, treats, and a chance to get to know each other. We approach our time together in a generous and peaceful manner with more than enough hands to share the load and all has been well. We will continue to serve the meals throughout the summer. Those who are presently volunteering from All Saints are Sarah and Chas Belknap, Ron Dyck and Walter Stewart, Tim and Elaine Hunt, Sally Carr, Ethel and Chris Magnus, Dave Phillips and Bridget Metzger. Many thanks to all of you. "In from the Cold - Solutions for Rural Homelessness" If you missed the showing of this video on homelessness on Salt Spring Island, or want to see it again, please click on the button below. For more infomation visit:
Salt Spring Island, BC Canada V8K 2R7 |