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We are entering Fall...
We are entering Fall, my personal favourite time of year. Harvest, colours and cooler temperatures and a change in the frenetic pace that seems to be summer on Saltspring. Because I was a professor, Fall also was the start of the New Year. New students, new classes and new challenges. Within our church community we have been blessed to have Paul with us to lead us in worship and to guide us towards being ready for seeking and finding a new incumbent. Paul started with us at Advent last year with the expectation that he would initially be with us for six months. As was often explained, this process can be slow and often takes at least a year and up to 2 years. In checking with the Diocese, we are in line with this timeline. We have submitted a Parish Profile developed by a committee and approved by Parish Council which has been approved and posted by the Diocese. We have focused on our resources in the past year. It first needs to be noted that while we are financially responsible for the buildings in our care, the Diocese is the owner. This means that management of these resources is always done in communication and consultation with the Diocese. St Mark’s is slowly moving towards marketability. We as yet do not have a firm date, but I am assured we are closer. We then will need to negotiate with the Diocese for a part of the proceeds of this sale when and if it happens. The temporary closure of St Mary’s is ongoing. We have obtained quotes for a heat pump to ensure that the building does not disintegrate in the damp of winter. Water is an ongoing issue as is mold. More important if St Mary’s is to reopen, we need a plan in place for its use. The All Saints building kitchen renovations are in planning and moving forward with the hope that the work will start early in the new year. The kitchen group made a trip to Nanaimo to see St Paul’s commerical kitchen and revised plans have been drafted. John Metzger is leading this effort and is happy to answer questions or take suggestions. More details on this are upcoming. The entry ramp needs to be repaired or replaced and work towards this is ongoing led by Don Van Akker. The lease of the rectory to Family Place was renewed for a year with an increase in rent, bringing this closer to market value. The rectory is a strong asset, and we need to make firm long-term plans around its use. This past week Mark Oldnall, the Diocesan Building and Cemetery Advisor, was over to look at all the properties and to familiarize himself with our resources and challenges. I very much appreciated his eyes on all projects. On Oct 10th, Ven. Eric Partridge, Executive Archdeacon will be meeting with the Wardens to discuss and outline our next steps. This will include discussing a firm timeline. We will also discuss our finances and whether we should be posting for a full or part time incumbent. Once this meeting has taken place, we will hold at least 2 Information and Consultation sessions with the congregation. Dates for these will be posted shortly (within days) of Oct 10th. We need to be very clear that finding a new incumbent has not been easy for any church in the Diocese. The cost of living is high, housing is an issue and there are fewer and fewer candidates seeking ordination. On average the process has taken between a year and two years and for most positions there have been only 1 or 2 qualified candidates. Obtaining visas for non-Canadian candidates is time consuming and expensive, and this process has resulted in failed matching (chosen candidate leaving after a short time). Nonetheless we are a strong and independent congregation and I believe we will continue to grow and thrive. In an effort to improve communication I plan to put out a weekly short newsletter. Please read these and ask questions of any of the Wardens. It is important that the Wardens are the first line of communication. |
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Blessings to your household and to all whom your lives touch this day...
As we quickly approach the days of Fall for 2024. I am surprised, and I am also pleased, to see the leaves beginning to turn colour, the birds flocking up in preparation for their journey to warmer climes, and our weekly worship gatherings on Sunday mornings at All Saints growing in numbers and in vigor. I love the Fall weather, the cooler nights, and I love the changes we see in God’s gift of Creation. Over the past months, our Pastoral Care team under the guidance of Noreen Davies and Bridget Metzger, has provided wonderful pastoral support for the parish. With my residence being located on Vancouver Island, it is difficult for me to personally do home visitation and to bring the sacrament of bread and wine to those requiring pastoral visits at home. Bridget and Noreen and the team have stepped in to care for so many of our pastoral needs during these days. For this, I am thankful. Until recently, several of our active retired clergy were available to provide support to the pastoral care team. Medical issues and travel plans have resulted in this availability being no longer feasible. Should you have need for pastoral support, please contact Bridget or Noreen, or our parish administrator, Joe, who will put you in contact with the pastoral care team. Thanksgiving weekend this year is also the chosen date for our 30th Anniversary of the opening of All Saints Church in its present location. As a parish we are blessed to have this church building as part of our parish. More importantly, we must recognize it is the congregation and not the building which makes the parish. You and all those who are part of our parish family are what makes the Anglican Parish of Salt Spring Island one expression of God’s people working for the betterment of our island home. Thank you for your support and care for all the people of this island we call Salt Spring. There is much activity within our parish these days as we begin several major renovation projects, upgrades on some mechanical equipment, and new education programs including presentations by Chris Levan and Harold Munn, along with the continuation of the Monday bible study group, community-led activities groups such as Gabriel’s kitchen, Tea-a-Tempo, mid-week Evening Prayer services, our quilters, sewers, gardeners, choir, and many other groups which are part of our weekly activity schedule at All Saints. We are blessed as a parish to have many opportunities to be the Anglican Parish here on Salt Spring Island. Our parish wardens will soon provide you with a report outlining the present financial position of the parish, information regarding our search for a new incumbent, and where we might find ourselves doing God’s work in the coming months. Our financial situation is, as ever, in need of your continued support. October is the time when we are asked to examine our commitment to the Stewardship of our resources and our commitment to support our parish. Please consider giving as you are able. Without financial means being available, our programmes, outreach, and day-to-day parish life is impacted negatively, and our search for a new incumbent may be made more difficult. May God’s gift of blessing be with each of you at this Canadian Thanksgiving time. Blessings. |
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30th Anniversary Celebrations!of All Saints by-the-Sea! - Saturday Oct 5th and Sunday Oct 13th Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the blessing on All Saints by-the-Sea! Mark your calendars for these special events:
For more infomation visit: http://saltspringanglican.ca/events/30th-anniversary-celebrations/2024-10-05
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Evening Prayer Services - now on WednesdaysA contemplative service - Wednesday, October 9th, 2024; 5pm to 6pm As Gabriel's Kitchen will now be serving meals in the church hall on Thursday evenings, our weekly Evening Prayer service is moving to Wednesdays from 5 to 6pm. All are welcome. For more infomation visit: http://saltspringanglican.ca/events/evening-prayer-wednesdays--414/2024-10-09
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Faith in Doubt - God Talk for Secular EarsRev Harold Munn - Friday, October 25, 2024 The Rev Harold Munn is a no stranger to Salt Spring Island and our parish having been a frequent visitor on holidays and a house-sitter for many of us over many years. A large part of his latest book entitled “Faith in Doubt – How my dog made me atheist and atheism made me a priest” was written during sojourns on our island! He will be introducing his book in 2 events on Salt Spring Island:
Admission to both events is free and open to all, spiritual and secular, young and old, committed or curious or neither. Come to talk, come to listen, come to question, come to share. Copies of his book will be available at both events. For more infomation visit: http://saltspringanglican.ca/events/faith-in-doubt-god-talk-for-secular-ears/2024-10-25
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Having Jesus for Dinner - study seriesRev Chris Levan - continuing on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 The Rev. Chris Levan has been hosting a worship study series of 4 sessions at All Saints entitled "Having Jesus for Dinner". 2 sessions were held in September and the final 2 will take place in November on the following Wednesday evenings:
The series is an exploration of the three miracles that are embedded in the Jesus meal. We will be examining what it means to "have Jesus for dinner". Sessions will begin with a traditional Middle Eastern dinner in the Hall. All are welcome! For more infomation visit: http://saltspringanglican.ca/events/having-jesus-for-dinner-study-series/2024-11-20
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A Haven for All HeartsSt. Mary's Church As I arrive at the gate of St. Mary’s Church, the tranquillity of the land is tangible The ancestors’ stories feel held within this holy earth My Heart senses the sacredness of the space The walls whispering “welcome to this Sanctuary of Peace” As luminous light embraces me in its warmth A Silent Invitation fills my heart with grace and ease Peace abides within each piece of wood, so tenderly cared for, hugging this holy place The Golden Light of Christ welcomes me, a gentle hum rises within, awakening loving appreciation Welcome dear one I am always within you, loving you Unconditionally as I promised Mary, Dear Mother Mary ever so lovingly embracing all who enter this Church Loving refuge always abides within her Holy embrace As I gaze at her, a subtle hum of ancient Octaves sing Angelic blessings of welcome Pure joy abides within their love
Opening an inner door within my sacred heart calling me home to cherish myself To divinity, my constant inner knowing. I Am, We Are, All Beloved Aspects of God Effervescent Joy rises, as my heart sings with wonder and delight Divine love at its highest, as shimmering light infuses all who enter Touching each heart with a remembering of Holiness poem by Kim Tebbutt |
Salt Spring Island, BC Canada V8K 2R7 |