September 8th, 2023
Please scroll down to see the following content: • Words from the Wardens – updates from Ruth and Sally: John Metzger and Dale Storm - newsletter co-editors |
As we move into the fall, I continue to be grateful for the vibrancy and energy I feel when I enter the church building. This week the gardeners were gardening, the quilters were quilting, book sorting was happening, clean up and downsizing was being organized. We are a living community buoyed rather than discouraged by this period of transition. There is a gratitude board posted in the narthex. It is there because someone reminded me (and correctly) that there are so many people to thank for their work within the community. While I hope the Gratitude Board will be an ongoing project, for now please feel free to add the name of anyone you know who contributes. If we run out of room use the back or the second board. We can keep this going until the welcome back lunch! It is so inspiring to see how many names will be included. Have fun with it. Welcome Back Luncheon – October 1st following the Sunday Worship Service Speaking of the Welcome Back lunch, the Welcome Committee encourages everyone to attend this event on October 1st after the Sunday Worship service. If you are able bring easily shareable finger-food. This is a true potluck. All are welcome and no matter what there will be enough because we are a parish of abundance. You will be reminded of this no agenda social event often within the coming weeks. Put it in your calendar and feel free to bring a friend. Worship Service Presiders Our new normal will continue for the near future with our clergy members contributing their talents, along with lay members and the occasional guest. We are grateful for their efforts. Leading a service takes emotional energy and commitment and we are blessed by the presence of Bill, Richard, Chas and Sarah who will all preside and/or preach in the next few weeks: • Rev Richard Stetson – September 10 Stewardship The long-awaited Stewardship Campaign will be launched very soon. In the meantime, the easiest way to ensure consistent giving is to fill out the PAR form which allows for direct monthly contributions. We need a cancelled cheque and your information on the form: hard copies are available in the Narthex and from Joe, or can be downloaded from our website – click here. These regular gifts offer us financial stability. I filled mine out... have you? You will see below a summary of our current financial situation. We will be presenting a revised 2023 budget to Parish Council this Tuesday. While the projected budget shows a year-end deficit, our hope is to encourage giving so that this does not happen. Financial Report to July 2023 The following summarizes our income and expenses to 31 July 2023, with comparison to the previous 2 years. Anglican Parish of Salt Spring Island Our deficit remains significant, due to low income to date and the expenses on completion of Gyllian’s ministry. Expenses will decline through the remaining period of the year as we no longer pay a priest’s full-time salary/benefits. Finally - I was able to meet with Eric Partridge, our diocese’s Executive Archdeacon. He is supportive of us doing some discernment work with the help of a facilitator and has assured us that the diocese recognizes that our Parish is very much alive and vibrant! There is huge hope for the future. I am grateful. Ruth Pickett Seltner, Bishop’s Warden |
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"Farmers Market Program" and "Back-to-School Supplies"through SSI Community Services Farmers Market Program For the second year the Anglican Parish of Salt Spring Island, under our Outreach program is supporting one needy Salt Spring family through the SSI Community Services Farmers Market Program. Each vetted family is given a $27 credit card each week for 16 weeks to use for purchases at our local Farmers Market. The total value of our donation is thus $432. SSI Community Services supports 50 local families in this way. Back to School Supplies To further support needy Salt Spring Island families our Parish raised a phenomenal $2,000 during 3 "Giving Sundays" this summer to be used for "back-to-school" supplies. In discussion with SSI Community Services it was decided that all 50 families would each receive a $40 Country Grocer gift card. WELL DONE Parishioners, and THANK YOU!! If you are interested in joining the work of Outreach, please phone Lynda Turner at 250-931-1214. |
Leadership Team, Hymn Sings and Prayer
Pastoral Care Core Leadership Team: Doreen Davidson and Dale Storm have joined coordinators Noreen Davies and Bridget Metzger to be part of the Leadership Team. In addition, 14 other people have offered to be part of the team, willing to lend a hand to fellow parishioners as needs arise. We are grateful for their help and also of our retired priests who have been called occasionally during the summer to minister to the dying. Thank you all. Hymn Sings: Noreen has organized a monthly hymn sing at Greenwoods on the 2nd Monday of the month at 11:00am. Joan Warren plays the piano and about 5 parishioners come to add their voices and turn pages. The Hymn Sings are followed by Home Communions shared by the small group of Anglicans who are resident at Greenwoods. A Hymn Sing is also conducted at Lady Minto Extended Care Ward on the 4th Sunday of the month at 1:30pm, with Ron Dyck playing the piano and parishioners to assist. All are welcome to come and sing and help turn pages! PRAYER: There are 3 ways one can receive personal prayer at the church:
Please submit your prayer requests to Bridget at prayers@saltspringanglican.ca and specify whether you want the prayers to be made: 1) through the Prayers of the People, 2) through the Prayer Chain, or 3) both. In all cases please obtain the permission of the person to be prayed for. Remember to call Noreen (250 537 2654) or Bridget (250 221 0722) if YOU or someone else in the Parish needs care. |
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Bible Study Group
A small group of parishioners has been meeting weekly for over 2 years now for "bible study" and fellowship. The idea of “bible study” may seem a bit daunting – even threatening – to some! In reality, it has been relatively straightforward! We've been meeting Monday evenings online (zoom) for about 1½ h. Each of us share reflection and observations, sometimes from research during the week, to our discussion. We are all from widely varied backgrounds and experiences, and therefore not necessarily in agreement! However, we are always grateful for new faith insights and occasional challenges to previous understandings. We plan to continue to base our discussions on the "lectionary readings" - old/new testament and gospel - for the forthcoming Sunday service. We’ve also found this helpful in “tuning” our hearts and minds to the focus of the Sunday worship service. Our group presently comprises Ann King, Jim and Joan Warren, Noreen Davies, Gloria McEachern, Ken Affolder, Claire Pickering, Elizabeth and Don van Akker, and John and Bridget Metzger. Please speak with any of us if you are interested in joining us or starting a new group! |
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Labyrinth Update - Exciting News!
Much progress has been made towards the construction of a large outdoor labyrinth for our island community-one which will be welcoming and accessible to people of all ages and abilities. The Labyrinth Team has the approvals (parish and diocesan) to use a terrific site- an undeveloped portion of the Purdy Cunningham Cemetery. We have a carefully considered construction plan and a classic labyrinth design. We have laid out our chosen 7 circuit simplified Chartres design on the ground -in chalk- at our site and walked it. We believe it will well serve all potential walkers.
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If I were to tell you what is dying in my life Some may want to hold me in their arms, Who is there left to say what I might have become? The teachers, the lovers, the sages of inspiration, Soon I will rise from this leafy bed |
Salt Spring Island, BC Canada V8K 2R7 |