The Rev. Chris Levan is hosting a worship study series of 4 sessions at All Saints entitled "Having Jesus for Dinner" on the following Wednesdays. 2 sessions were held in September and the final 2 will take place on November 20th the other TBD in December.
The series is an exploration of the three miracles that are embedded in the Jesus meal. We will spend four sessions examining what it means to "have Jesus for dinner". Sessions will begin with a traditional Middle Eastern dinner in the Hall.
September 18th - we examined the cultural/political matrix of Jesus--how living in his time meant facing Roman occupation, enculturation and commercialization
September 25th - we looked at the logistics of meal preparation and presentation. How hard is it to eat with Jesus? What did it look like? What did we eat?
November 20th - we'll examine the two basic meals of Jesus... one in which he is the host and the other in which he becomes the meal. We'll examine how his meals were changed over time and what that meant for the Christian community.
TBD, December - we'll have an actual meal with Jesus... eat what he ate and share what he shared.
You are welcome to join any or all of these sessions. While there is a common thread, it will not disrupt the learning to come to only one of the sessions.
The sessions are based on Chris’s recent book entitled “Having Jesus for Dinner, Community or Cannibalism - Can Christians Reset the Table for a New Expression of Jesus’ “Holy” Meal?" Paperback copies will be available at the sessions, or can be ordered online: click here.